Thursday, July 7, 2022

The NJ Office of the State Comptroller Was Aware that Lodi Was Violating State Law for Years with Blatantly Illegal Sick Day Payouts. Yet, Lodi Wasn't Included in this Audit. The State Covers Up for Lodi.

Link to report posted today:

I was fighting illegal sick day payouts in Lodi for years. I was fighting alone. The State is useless. They issue reports like this to pretend like they are doing something. They do nothing.  They are all talk, no action.  They ask for tips, acknowledge people are violating the law, and then they do nothing.

Lodi politicians/employees illegally took millions from Lodi in sick day payouts just in the last few years. They got away with it. The State did nothing. Lodi taxpayers got screwed.

Matthew Giacobbe is complicit. Nancy Cardone is complicit. The entire Lodi mayor and council- Scott Luna, Vincent Martin, Emil Carafa, Albert DiChiara, and Joe Leto are complicit. Marc Schrieks is complicit. Borough Attorney Alan Spiniello is complicit. Lodi CFO Charles Cuccia is complicit. Lodi Police Chief Donald Scorzetti is complicit. Frank Belli is complicit. Many others in Lodi are complicit as well. 

This report shows that I was right all along. I was ignored and Lodi was robbed. Lesson learned: there is no justice and there are different standards for different people. The Lodi politicians and their politician run law firms have many close connections in the State that continually cover up for their lawlessness and theft.