Sunday, April 10, 2022

Dennis Frohnapfel's March Salary (Too High) Doesn't Look Right and Must Be Explained...

Petty, Cardone, and Frohnapfel (left to right) enriching themselves without any oversight, accountability, or transparency

In February, Frohnapfel’s annual salary was showing as $157,320 ($13,110/month, 12-month position).  In March it was showing as $203,520 ($16,960/month, 12-month position). 

February Payroll:

March Payroll:

Frohnapfel's current labor agreement is not currently posted on the district website because he and Petty have undone every transparency measure put in place before them.  When I left the board, all current labor agreements were posted.  Kathryn Fedina didn't like to serve the public so I had to remind her when it was time to post updated labor agreements because the public pays the bills and deserves to see what its paying.  A page was/is in place on the district website for current labor agreements.  Petty and Frohnapfel, both overpaid and underperforming, are not posting labor agreements as you can see on district website linked below:

Petty and Frohnapfel are hiding all public records as they enrich themselves.  They have violated public trust and are unfit to serve.  They only thing saving them is a board that reads nothing and could care less about the accounting of public funds.