Monday, October 25, 2021

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Nancy Cardone Personally Handpicked the Committee that Negotiated Her Son's Contract (Scheduled To Be Voted on This Week)...

Michael Cardone,  Superintendent Douglas Petty, and Nancy Cardone (left to right)

The Lodi Board of Education received millions more in State aid this year.  The Lodi Board of Education raised school taxes while receiving millions more in aid.  Superintendent Petty and Dennis Frohnapfel refuse to provide the public with a detailed school budget showing their planned spending. Both claim that Lodi board members approved the budget and tax increase without ever seeing the budget.

Instead of going towards education, Lodi tax dollars are funding Cardone Corruption.  How can a mother appoint people to negotiate her own son's contact? The Giacobbe firm issued an email in 2019 saying this should not be allowed. Apparently the Giacobbe firm is fine with it now because it will say and do anything unethical and improper in return for payments. 

Saturday, October 23, 2021

The Rest of the Country Should Learn from the Amish...


Jill Biden is Not a Medical Doctor. Neither is Doug Petty, Dennis Frohnapfel, Kathryn Fedina, Christie Vanderhook, Laura Cima, etc.

People with Phds use to be called "Doctors" only in classroom settings and practicing medical physicians would be called "Doctors" in all settings. 

Today,  everyone with a Phd from Seton Hall is throwing around their title all over the place to deceive people into believing that the Phds are MDs.

I am not trying to insult or take anything away from the Seton Hall Phds. I am sure the Phds sacrificed a lot by paying such high tuition to a private Catholic University for their titles.  I am only trying to clarify a subject that has caused much confusion. A degree in early childhood education is not a medical degree. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Dennis Frohnapfel Should Be Embarrassed by the OPRA Response He Sent Me Today in His Sad Attempt to Violate the Open Public Records Act Once Again. Lodi Residents Should Read the Email Exchange Below to See What They Are Dealing With in Lodi and Who Handles Their Tax Dollars.

Background InformationI was shocked to see that the Lodi Board of Education decided to erase “Hearing of Citizens” from its meeting minutes.  People hide things when they have something to hide (For instance, when people complained about Petty's asinine uniform plan, that is public record and should not have been erased from meeting minutes).  Being that either the members of the Lodi Board of Education, the Superintendent, or the interim Business Administrator decided to erase parts of the public record, I submitted the following OPRA request on October 3rd.

This was the response I received today from the Interim Business Administrator:


From: Dennis Frohnapfel <>
Date: Wed, Oct 13, 2021 at 9:07 AM
To: Rosalia Mykietyn <>


Mr. Curioni:


This Board Secretary does not record public comment.  I am required to record the actions of the Board ONLY.  During my tenure here in Loci, public comment will not be recorded.  The info you requested does not exist.


Dr. Dennis R. Frohnapfel, R.S.B.A.

Interim SBA/Board Secretary


This was my email response to Dennis Frohnapfel:


From: rcurioni <>
To: Rosalia Mykietyn <>, Dennis Frohnapfel <>, Douglas Petty <>
Date: October 13, 2021 at 12:49 PM
Subject: RE: Fwd:

Mr. Frohnapfel, 


I personally submitted public comments electronically using the district website. Therefore, I know that the public records I requested do exist. 


I have never heard of a public body not recording or summarizing what takes place during a Hearing of Citizens.


Please have someone in the district office locate the records I requested if you don't want to do your job. Your tech guy can locate public comments submitted electronically.


Please forward my email to all board members because they may not be aware of the new policies you are implementing.


Once again, if you are going to deny my OPRA request, please cite in writing the reason you are using to withhold the electronic records that clearly exist.


Ryan Curioni 


After our email exchange, Douglas Petty turned over this one page of public comments (from 4 people) submitted electronically but omitted all the other recorded summaries for the “Hearing of Citizens” that took place during the requested time period. Click on link below:

Under Douglas Petty, Dennis Frohnapel, “Giacobbe”, and the BOE members that employ them, enable them, and enrich them, Lodi is seeing the worst violations of the Open Public Records Act.


These are a few of the public records that this school administration has ILLEGALLY withheld from the public after requested via OPRA.  These same records have always been offered to the public in the past:


1)  Giacobbe’s legal invoices (a real lot to hide there)


2)  The Detailed Budget for 2021-22 (Frohnapel claims none of the 9 BOE members ever saw a copy of the detailed budget before they approved the budget and a tax increase)





Sunday, October 10, 2021

It Never Ends. Vincent Caruso Receives Another $35,543.95 in Special (Illegal) Payouts.

Click on image above to see more clearly.

Another special payout of $35,543.95 for Vincent Caruso after he is gone. 

Link to previous post on Vincent Caruso's Special Payouts (not compliant with State law):

Vincent Caruso Headline in 2014:

September Payroll for Lodi Borough Hall...

Link to the September 15th Payroll:


Link to the September 30th Payroll:

The Son of Former Lodi Councilwoman Patricia Licata is Now Receiving a DPW Supervisor Salary of $84,445.68 to Work "Park Maintenance". Plus He is Receiving Additional Overtime.

The Licatas Used Lodi Public Office to Enrich Every Family Member

Patrick Licata's base salary: $84,445.68 (2 week pay is listed below)

Plus he gets additional overtime payments.

So Patrick Licata gets a supervisor salary to not be a supervisor.  Plus he gets additional overtime.

Nepotism gets you everything in Lodi.  Being a cry baby gets you some more.

Lodi Mayor Scott Luna Had His Niece on the Boro Payroll for the Entire Month of September and Listed Her as "Recreation Summer Workers". She Was Also a Full Time Employee of the Lodi Board of Education During the Same Time.


Lodi Police Chief Donald Scorzetti Has Two Daughters Working in a Department He Oversees. Make Your Own Hours and Decide How Much You Want to Collect Every 2 Weeks.


Monday, October 4, 2021

A Political Hit Job on Me from the Highest Levels of State Government (the Timing Says it All)…

A batch of emails I received today show that Michael Yaple asked Kathryn Whalen over and over again for a copy of a School Ethics Decision against me leading up to the November 5, 2019 Election.  Above is one of many requests from Michel Yaple.  The date of that request is November 4, 2019.  Michael Yaple wanted to get a decision against me to a “reporter” one day before the Election. In prior emails, Michael Yaple clearly stated he wanted to get a copy to a "reporter" because no decision was posted.  No decision was posted because none existed. 


The problem with Michael Yaple’s multiple requests is that there never was any SEC decision against  me at any time before the November 5, 2019 Election.


When Michael Yaple was requesting an SEC decision against me during the summer of 2019, Kathryn Whalen explained that the School Ethics Commission would be making a decision on August 27th.  On August 27th, the SEC remanded the case back to Elissa Mizzone Testa.  The SEC corrected Testa for false statements and wrote a response favorable to me.  Of course, Michael Yaple wouldn’t want to hand a copy of  that to a "reporter".  Click on the links below to see what happened on August 27, 2019:


Lodi By The Numbers: Free Speech Lives Another Day in Lodi! (September 3, 2019) (


Lodi By The Numbers: The Truth Matters... (


Michael Yaple was back asking Kathryn Whalen for an SEC decision against me one day before the Election.  Kathryn Whalen responded after Election Day that the SEC would be making a decision on December 17, 2019.  Michael Yaple was seeking an SEC decision on November 4, 2019 that didn’t exist.


Once again, there never was an SEC decision against me before November 5, 2019.


What Records Did Exist Prior to November 5, 2019 that Michael Yaple Never Sought to Get to a Reporter:


-     Three SEC decisions that found NO PROBABLE CAUSE that my blog posts violated any ethics codes (including Kwanpniewski’s complaint).


-     Multiple Administrative Judges that would NOT GRANT what Debra Kwapniewksi and others were seeking against me for blog posts.  Multiple judges had the same complaint that eventually went to Elissa Mizzone Testa.  The other ALJs wouldn’t do what Testa did because they likely didn’t want to appear dirty, corrupt, unprofessional, and overly political.  Most judges wouldn’t want to use an opinion written word for word by an NJEA lawyer.


What Did Michael Yaple Never Request from Kathryn Whalen?


-     The SEC Decision against Joseph Licata.

-     The TWO SEC Decisions against Dominic Miller.

-     The SEC Decision against Michael Nardino.


What Else Did Michael Yaple Never Get to Reporters?


- Copies of the multiple OFAC reports and corrective action plans (All of the district’s violations that required corrective action plans were initiated by me and my personal investigations which handed over so much substantial evidence to the State that it had to act).


The multiple emails from Michael Yaple leading up to the Election show that he had a sick obsession with me.  Some of his emails about me were redacted so I didn’t bother posting them.  What was he saying about me?  Kathryn Whalen even had to ask him in one email which board member he was referring to because obviously there were SEC decisions against other Lodi board members and not me.  Michael Yaple only responded with one name: Ryan Curioni.


The reporter in question likely is Katie Sobko.  She never reported on any decisions against any of the other Lodi board members that committed real ethics violations.  She never reported on any of the OFAC reports that occurred while she was covering Lodi.  She never reported on Tony Luna and Charles Cuccia being found guilty of ethics violations and being fined by the State.  Why? Because the NJEA didn’t want Katie Sobko to report on those stories.

Katie Sobko is a biased reporter.  She is a left-wing activist.  Most people are cancelling subscriptions to her paper.


Pfizer Scientists State the Obvious to Project Veritas...