Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Town officials knowingly lied about personal use of Borough vehicles on a state questionnaire…

This is what the Borough answered on its questionnaire just this past October:

Vincent Caruso was required to certify that the information provided to the state was accurate to the best of his knowledge.

At the August 21, 2018 council meeting, this administration was asked if Donald Scorzetti has taken any borough vehicles to his shore house.  Additional questions were asked about unlimited personal use, insurance policies, etc.

Caruso replied that according to Scorzetti’s contract, he can take a borough vehicle to his shore house.

Carafa replied, “That’s been in place for years”.

Both statements clearly show that Caruso, Carafa and the rest of their administration have been intentionally lying to the state for years.  Some state aid is dependent of the answers to the best practices questionnaire.  It’s a serious matter to certify dishonest statements in return for money.

The conversation can be seen in the Lodi Live video below at time 1.22.27 (-4.39):