Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Dinner With Phil Murphy. A Lottery Prize or A Pick Your Poison?

Link to a ridiculous nj.com article:


The Star Ledger and Record fluff pieces on Phil Murphy and vaccines are just another reason why people are dumping their newspapers and don't trust the news.

Monday, July 19, 2021

"America's Frontline Doctors" is Seeking New Jersey College Students to Be Plaintiffs Against Unlawful Vaccine Mandates (Experiments)....

Link to College Student Plaintiff Form:

This group does great work. Any college student that does not want to be experimented on should consider reaching out to "America's Frontline Doctors". 

Monday, July 12, 2021

July 26th is The Filing Deadline for Board of Education Candidates...

Link to candidate kit and petition forms:


Lodi Board of Education members and the superintendent used COVID as an opportunity to spend millions more while offering a whole lot less. 

Nancy Cardone's nepotism is worse than ever. NJEA corruption and influence is worse than ever. Just look at Natalie Delgado negotiating with the teacher union after she took $4,000 from the same union.

As parents spent months picking up packets left on school yard tables and serving as their children's teachers, the Lodi BOE made it's top priority getting Frank Quatrone hundreds of thousands of dollars beyond his contract. Members with conflicts of interest voted for the illegal sick day payout. 

There is less transparency now than when Capizzi was in charge.  That says a lot because the Capizzis hid everything. This administration has used Matthew Giacobbe to violate OPRA time and time again. They used COVID as an opportunity to keep public records from getting to the public. They rewarded and enriched Giacobbe's politician run firm greatly for its bad behavior and cover ups.

BOE members like Kerry Mastrofilipo promised big things from their new superintendent.  Promises made, promises not kept. And what would happen if Petty wasn't superintendent with a board like this? Nepotism would  prevail and Lodi would probably be left with an unprofessional and underserving Mike Cardone. 

Lodi residents deserve better than what we have. Good intentioned people should step up and consider filling to run for Lodi Board of Education. 

Vaccine Canvassers Are a Really Bad Idea...

Link to video:


The government has spent billions marketing its experimental vaccines. At this point,  people that don't want them are only going be more annoyed and less trusting of unwelcome visitors on their private properties.  

All the censorship in the world cannot change the fact that these vaccines killed thousands of healthy people including children. They also have failed to protect people from getting covid and spreading covid. 

The government lies and censors the truth. Many people see this. They don't want the vaccines. And they don't want the government at their doors. 

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Lodi is Receiving Millions More in State Aid (Phil Murphy borrowed $4.5 Billion Dollars). Yet, the Lodi BOE Still Raised Lodi Property Taxes for 2021…

Last year, Lodi's School Tax rate was 1.978.

With all the millions in additional aid pouring into Lodi, property taxes should be reduced for 2021.  The board of education and superintendent should be ashamed of themselves.  

June Payroll for Borough Hall...


Link to June 15th Payroll:




Link to June 30th Payroll:



June Bills & Resolutions of the Lodi Mayor and Council...

Link to June Bills:




Link to June Resolutions:



June Payroll for the Lodi Board of Education...

Link to June Payroll:




This payroll is different from others months.  Names are all scattered (not in alphabetical order) and lots of additional payments are made.