As November 7th approaches, Lodi’s old-time political machine is in panic mode. It sees outside candidates that can deliver real reforms. It sees residents anxious for change.
The “machine” is doing the only thing it knows. It’s distracting. It’s creating noise. It’s dividing the community. It recruited “machine” candidates from the past. It’s recruiting “machine” mouth pieces from the past.
Let’s make the rest of the campaign about the candidates, the issues, and Lodi's FUTURE.
I am able to monitor what people care the most about on this blog (page views and emails). Here are some of those issues:
Residents want the $7.5M scam ended
completely- taken off the table.
Residents do not want the Superintendent’s
salary to increase from $192,458 to $226,072 this year- the Board must reign in
the excesses.
Residents want employee contracts settled
by everyone working together. Residents
are very upset that the “machine”
deliberately dragged out contract negotiations for an election and set union
members up against Board members by spreading rumors and misinformation.
Residents want a real anti-Nepotism policy
for hiring and promotions.
Residents want fair hiring practices- the
best candidate for every position.
Residents want to end the blatant ethics
violations of Board members.
Residents want the Board members to
discuss academics for a change. What is
being done to improve the High School rankings and college preparedness?
Residents want civility. Residents want independent thinkers. Residents want everyone working together for
the common good.
Residents want more transparency. Denying access to public records must
end. Denying residents entry to public
meetings must end. It’s time to videotape
Residents want school law followed, even
if laws don’t benefit the “machine” politically.
Those are issues that the residents of Lodi care
about. Don’t get distracted by the machine’s recycled
campaigns of distractions and distortions.