Monday, October 16, 2017

The special interest group is once again hurting Lodi children…

The corrupt teacher union is lining up behind the 3 worst candidates for your children .  Why would they do something so destructive to your children’s education system?

Let’s first look at Scorzetti and Leto.  What could be their motives for running?  Here are some reasons why people would typically run for a Board:

1)     Do they have any background in education? 

No.  Neither Scorzetti nor Leto have any background working in education.  Neither hold any degree in education.  Neither ever discussed anything educational.  Neither ever attended a Board meeting prior to running. 

2)     Do they have any children in the Lodi schools?

No.  Neither Scorzetti nor Leto have any children in the Lodi schools.

3)     Are they concerned taxpayers?

No.  Neither Scorzetti nor Leto pay any property taxes in Lodi.  It’s no wonder they use such anti-taxpayer rhetoric.

No analysis is necessary for Nancy Cardone.  Lodi’s “corrupt machine” is the biggest threat to your children’s education and always has been.  For decades, Nancy Cardone managed all of the machine’s campaigns and its infamous patronage system.  Her actions have devastated our schools. 

She was rewarded accordingly for her “management” with all those jobs for her family members:

Nancy Cardone sat on the Board of Education.  Her record speaks for itself.  She supported the $7.5M scam.  She supported devastating tax increases.  She supported a corrupt system of nepotism and patronage.

Why would a teacher union line up behind 3 candidates so bad for children?  Maybe they could explain that in the next few weeks as they try to steal this election.