Saturday, October 21, 2017

Nancy Cardone never cast a “NO” vote. Not once.

Nancy Cardone was on the Board of Education during a time when test scores were at an all-time low and the district failed its QSAC review.  Budgets were padded excessively in preparation of the $7.5M scam.

Nancy Cardone never voted “No” during her entire tenure on the Board.  She voted “Yes” on everything, including all the preparation for the administration building.

Minutes to the 2014 and 2015 board meetings can be found on my scribd account.  See for yourselves:

The more “Yes” votes she cast, the more money her family made. 

The Cardone ticket called me “insubordinate” for derailing the $7.5M scam and voting to lower school taxes this year.  The Cardone ticket wrote that I was elected to “serve” the superintendent, not the people of Lodi.

Nancy Cardone just doesn’t get it.

Judge Nancy Cardone by her actions, not campaign soundbites written by Jamie Ciofalo.

It never was about education for the “machine”. It was always about putting their “wallet first”.