Sunday, October 22, 2017

Donald Scorzetti concealed his campaign contributors, cash, and expenditures- a clear violation.

1)     Last election, Donald Scorzetti reported only one campaign contribution of $3,461 from Lodi’s Mayor and Council.  He didn’t report the rest of his contributions.  He didn’t list one expenditure.  

2)     This is not a typical case of an individual that is using his/her own money and forgot to fill out a report.  This is a case where a corrupt political machine purposely concealed its campaign contributors and its campaign cash.

3)     The “machine” thrives off pay-to-play abuses.  There is a pay-to-play law that governs Boards of Education.  The Board has awarded many questionable NO BID contracts.  I have no way to know if the Board is violating the State’s pay-to-play law. 

4)     With all the controversy surrounding the $7.5M administration building, reasonable people suspect that money could have been funneled into the campaign of those in support of the scam. 

5)     The “machine” has a long history of accepting large campaign contributions from very shady characters.  I am being very generous with that term.  You can review past filings on the ELEC website to see what I am talking about.  Did those characters contribute to the two police officers last year? 

5)     Machine Treasurer Jerry Manzetti and Machine Manager Nancy Cardone have run many council elections and Board elections.  They are aware of what they are required to report.

6)     Two police officers should know better than to violate election law. 

7)     Campaign contributions should not corrupt a school system.  A political machine should not corrupt a school system.

8)     Because of the reasons listed above, I submitted the following complaint last March.   The State is backed up.  When it comes around to it, it will see that there is overwhelming evidence that Lodi’s corrupt machine (aka “Children First”) violated election law.

9)     Click on the link below to view the request for investigation submitted to ELEC in March: