Thursday, October 19, 2017

Politics in our schools is making the community very uncomfortable…

I am receiving emails from concerned parents.  Being they are supporting candidates with children in the schools and candidates without conflicts of interest, they are fearful that the political activists working in our schools will take it out on their children.

I challenge everyone to find me a principal in another district that is on the campaign page of his/her mother who is running for the Board of Education in the same district in which he/she is a principal.

Lodi is witnessing a level of political activity and unprofessionalism that nobody imagined could exist in a school system.

I assure the parents emailing me that the majority of Lodi teachers are professional and above this.  A fraction of employees behaving badly should NOT tarnish the reputation of all.

This is occurring because the “machine” candidates have so much at stake financially.  Candidates without conflicts don’t behave this way and neither do their supporters.

Since the Cardones are so interested in Lodi politics and reaping the financial benefits (and other high cost perks) from our schools, why won't they live in Lodi?

Sidenote:  Joe Leto's message is incoherent.  What does "false acquisitions of a third party" mean?