Saturday, July 30, 2016

#7, Courtesy the Lodi Politicians

Please click on the slideshow below:

Look at Lodi's company in the slideshow.

There is a better way.  Defeat the politicians that did this to you.  

Friday, July 29, 2016

Does Capizzi make up numbers as he goes along?

Please read the "Estimated Balance 6-30-2016" in both charts below.  Capizzi produced both.  They show a $2,127,974 difference.  The second chart was created months after I questioned the first.  Estimates can't be off by that much.

Link to old post: 

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Did Lodi get final approval from the State for the $7.5 million Capizzi building or didn’t they? What is Nora Peck doing?

This was the OPRA request:

2)  A copy of the final plans submitted to the Department of Education for the Lincoln School Demolition and Construction project (as discussed in the attached minutes).

3)  A copy of any response or correspondence from the Department of Education regarding your submission of the Lincoln School Demolition and Construction project.

All I got in return was a correspondence between Mr. Quatrone and the Lodi politicians’ good friend and enabler from the County- Nora Peck.  Their correspondence only touched upon “Temporary office space” during the construction.  My request specifically stated that I was seeking a response for the project, not temporary office space.  This response seems to imply that the State already signed off on the wasteful $7.5 million project.  So, where is it in writing?  When did it happen?  Did the State ever question how the Board collected $7.5 million from the Lodi taxpayers without a referendum vote?  Will anyone be held responsible for the blatant budget padding during Marc Capizzi's first year on the job?

Residents ask every day if the State has given final approval.  They are holding out hope that the project can still be stopped if the Capizzi puppets are toppled on November 8th.

After all, it is for $7.5 million (ALL LODI TAX DOLLARS.  There was no referendum vote.  The four person committee responsible for recommending the project included some of the most unethical.   

There was no presentation before the public.  The Lodi politicians never answered for their actions.  The last submission for the “final plans” never even appeared on an agenda. 

Nora Peck (Interim Bergen County Superintendent) has done nothing but rubber-stamp whatever the Lodi politicians send her way.  She has not been forthcoming.  She has NOT responded to emails from Lodi residents on the subject. 

It is time for the Department of Education and Nora Peck to hold a forum in Lodi and take questions from residents.  They too must be held accountable for their actions or inaction.  This situation needs to be investigated.

I was expecting hundreds of pages in correspondence regarding the $7.5 million.  Instead, I got four. 

Click below for the resonse to OPRA request item 3 (approval?):

Click below for the response to OPRA request item 2 (drawing):

Will anyone be held responsible for the blatant budget padding during Marc Capizzi's first year on the job? Why hasn't the State questioned it?

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Marc Capizzi's tax increase in 2013 really needs to be investigated now!

The above article was front and center tonight after Licata claimed that the BOE’s responsible budgeting allowed them to spend millions on the unnecessary Lincoln school project. 

Marc Capizzi, just on the job, gave Lodi a completely unnecessary tax increase in 2013 just so he could do this now in 2015.  He is intentionally circumventing the referendum process.

The Lincoln School Building in structurally sound.  

The Capizzis need to be investigated.  This is not normal! 

At the time, I thought they were playing games with their budget for their elections.  It turns out they were padding the budget for Capizzi's project.  Lodi's enrollment hasn't gone up in 10 years.  I knew the budget should not have gone up $8,645,540 in one year. 

Click on the link below: