Sunday, December 6, 2015

Lincoln project was based on lies and budget inconsistencies. Your taxes will be raised.

An entire surplus will be completely wiped out and taxes will be raised for a completely unnecessary project.

The entire project will be funded with Lodi tax dollars.  The BOE claims it is using Lodi’s surplus (already collected tax dollars), but their current budget information (posted on the BOE website) doesn’t even show 7.5 Million in capital reserves.

And where did that big spike in the capital reserves come from (2013 to 2014)?  It came from the big tax increase written about here:

Please read the article carefully.  Quatrone said the increase was for special-education costs, transportation, and healthcare.  Capizzi talked about bathroom renovations and floors at Wilson, boilers at the High School and a rooftop heating unit at Roosevelt.

At the time, both were well aware that they were delivering a huge tax increase so they can sock aware millions that would be later used on themselves and not the children.  They were dishonest and not forthcoming. 

Marc Capizzi delivered that tax increase during his first year on the job.  

Regardless of whether or not a referendum is required, a nonbinding referendum should be placed on the ballot this November.  Let the people learn the facts and let their voices be heard.