Link to story:
How can anyone vote for a 6,000 page bill without reading it (they received it only hours before the vote)?
"If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."- George Washington
Link to story:
How can anyone vote for a 6,000 page bill without reading it (they received it only hours before the vote)?
Link to November 15th Payroll:
Link to November 30th Payroll:
Link to story:
The commies running the teacher unions and most government schools can be as crazy and offensive as they like while at work and there is no consequence. However, conservative school leaders are cancelled for things said on their personal pages. What country do we live in?
This is a corrupt judge making the right look wrong and the wrong look right.
She is allowing a mayor to vote to hire his own son. That is public corruption. You can't have a worse conflict of interest.
Then this "judge" has the audacity to allege misconduct by some council members because they oppose blatant nepotism.
Normal people with common sense can see what this "judge" has been doing. She is a disgrace and unfit to serve. She is weaponizing her court for politics.
Anyone reading this article (no matter your political affiliation) should be outraged.
There is no justice when "judges" abuse their power in this manner.
Bergen County Superior Court Judges are just politicians in robes. They can be just as corrupt as the politicians that appoint them.
Link to article in the Record rag:
Link to article from Washington Free Beacon:
Matthew Giacobbe and his firm raided more from PPP than Ossoff's father:
Link to project veritas videos:
When he's done with CNN, he should come back to New Jersey and embarass the NJEA once again.