Friday, June 28, 2019

Statement on Northjersey article: I AM NOT INVOLVED IN THE SUPERINTENDENT SEARCH...

1)  There is no permanent Business Administrator because Frank Quatrone refused to interview anyone in the last six months.  There is a large stack of resumes with some really good candidates.  Board members are not allowed to vote on any candidate that is not put up by the superintendent.  Most members of the public are unaware of that. 

2)  Months ago, at a public meeting, I directed that a request for proposals for Board Attorney be posted in the newspapers.  That directive was ignored for a very long time because Quatrone wanted to keep his current attorney in place.  Proposals were received on June 13th but board members were not provided copies of the proposals until the June 26th.  I requested that board members be provided copies of the proposals over a week ago.

3)  Superintendent Search:  The School Board’s Association advised that anyone with a relative employed in our schools should not participate in the superintendent search.  Therefore, the only members participating and voting on matters with the superintendent search are Al Mastrofilipo, Kerry Mastrofilipo, Marc Schrieks, Joseph Ramos and Jeff Telep.   Adhering to that guidance, I am not involved in the search for superintendent.  I wish I could be involved because I can be fair and objective.  I am not involved because of the advice I received from a NJSBA attorney.  Frank Quatrone called me incompetent over a process I had nothing to do with.  He is aware I am not involved in the process.  I will take full responsibility for my actions.  I am not responsible for the actions of five others.

Link to article on is very unfair to me.  I said we are in better shape than last year with the board attorney timeline.  I did not comment on the superintendent search because I am not involved in it.