Sunday, December 6, 2015

The silence from the papers is deafening and the Capizzis are loving it…

Most people in Lodi have no idea that the politicians are spending 7.5 Million TAX DOLLARS to demolish and rebuild the Lincoln school offices.  The building is structurally sound according to their paid engineer.  It is in good condition.  It isn’t used as a school.  There is no urgency for any recommended repairs. 

The Capizzis plotted this for a very long time (years) behind the public’s back.  The Capizzis didn’t reveal it during a contested election because they knew how controversial it was.  The Capizzis won’t put it to a referendum vote because they know how unpopular it is.

The Capizzis are benefitting greatly due to the fact that the public has no knowledge of what is taking place.  Other districts are covered by the papers for smaller and less controversial projects.  Projects in other districts involve actual schools attended by students.  Grants are secured.  Residents vote on referendums.  None is true for Lodi.

When residents learn about the “Capizzi Plan” for the first time, the second most asked question is: “Why hasn’t this been in the papers?”

The most asked question is:  “Who’s getting a kickback?”

Those are the first things that cross people’s minds when they see such a high price tag on something so unnecessary, all taking place behind the public’s back.