Ask Nancy Cardone how much Matthew Giacobbe has billed
Lodi in the past 7 months for matters related to Doug Petty.
Ask Nancy Cardone when Matthew Giacobbe first OPRA-ed
any records from the Jersey Shore pertaining to Doug Petty’s arrest.
Ask Nancy Cardone why Matthew Giacobbe allowed the
Board to replace an unexpired contract for Doug without the required public
notices and public hearing:
Ask Nancy Cardone why Matthew Giacobbe
didn’t include any language in Doug Petty’s contract protecting the district
from reputational damage if its top Administrator has his mug shot on every
nightly news station.
Matthew Giacobbe can’t fix Lodi’s
problems. He is the problem. He is responsible for the Doug Petty
mess. He wants to prolong this as long
as he can because it’s a money-maker for him.