Monday, February 17, 2020

Bruce Masopust Padded His Pension Greatly…

When Bruce Masopust retired from the Lodi schools, his final salary should have been $74,305.  The final salary showing on his pension report is $97,683.  Bruce Masopust was Lodi Borough Manager for less than one year.  He used that salary of $139,000 to pad his pension. 

Bruce Masopust was employed in the Lodi schools for less than 21 completed years.  He used his years as a part-time Lodi councilman to pad his retirement years which are listed as 29 years.

New Jersey, the Corruption State, constantly shows that its public pensions are not sustainable.  Yet, it does nothing to crack down on pension-padding politicians. It won't enforce its own laws.

Link to article a Nov 16, 2016 article: