Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Frank Quatrone’s current contract lists the “maximum paid for unused vacation leave” at $7,866 yet they tried to go for a quick direct deposit of $12,192.92 instead...

From Frank Quatrone’s contract:

A different number is showing on this week’s meeting agenda (so much for the maximum):

They just make things up as they go along.  Unfortunately, Lodi’s board attorney has always put the personal interests of Capizzi and Quatrone before the interests of the district (DAG subpoena, "May Memorandum", etc.).  Protecting and covering for Capizzi and Quatrone has always been the top priority.  Capizzi and Quatrone actually interviewed the Busch Law firm last year before the board was even informed of who submitted proposals.

Link to the last page of Frank Quatrone’s current contract:

Link to the June 26, 2019 meeting agenda: