Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Interim Superintendent and the Giacobbe/Lagana Law Firm Conspired With the Cardone Family to Carry Out a Political Stunt Against Me One Week Before the Election...

They attempted to use public funds for their political stunt.   They attempted to violate an OFAC corrective action plan (legal services) currently posted on the district website.

They attempted to carry out their stunt in closed session on October 28, 2019.  It was so staged.  Board members Kerry Mastrofilipo, Marc Schrieks, Lodi Police Chief Donald Scorzettti, and Nancy Cardone (conflict of interest) voted to use public funds and violate the OFAC corrective action plan for the political stunt.

This was an abuse of power.  This was retaliation against me for calling out many improper actions taking place under the “interims” and for calling out the the abuses by the politician run law firm taking advantage of Lodi’s instability and lack of leadership in the board office.

The public has the right to see the email I sent to Kathryn Fedina the day before they attempted to carry out their political stunt. 

The email below (and many others) can explain the motivation of their actions and why they wanted me off the board so badly:

Hi Ms. Fedina,

I am just confirming that a presentation on the PARCC scores is scheduled for Monday night being we are required to present this information to the public within a certain time frame.

I am following up on the OFAC investigation.  The board is required to discuss this report at a public meeting within 30 days of receiving the report.  The report is dated October 9, 2019 and the district supposedly received it on October 15, 2019.  After tomorrow night, we don't have any meetings scheduled that would fall within the 30 day period.  If the report is not discussed tomorrow night, we would have to call a special meeting to discuss it.

The OFAC audit is supposed to be posted on the district website as per the letter attached to the audit.

The new superintendent contract should be posted on the district website as soon as everything is finalized.  Also, I was unable to find the current labor agreements on the district website for you and Mr. Brown.

Also, some concerns with the Superintendent Report (addendum):

#36, The personnel committee has not met to discuss this item.  I have many questions.  Being this is personnel, this discussion probably should take place in closed session.  I don't understand why two people need to be hired to fill the position of one employee who is on paid administrative leave.  You said you couldn't find a sub that is dually certified yet you are appointing someone that only lists a Certificate of Eligibility (alternate route).  You are asking the Lodi taxpayers to pay three people to cover one teaching position.  You seem to want to pass off all other decisions to the next superintendent yet you placed this on an addendum without a real discussion.

#37, Awarding contracts to attorneys is typically done through resolution as opposed to the superintendent listing it as an item/recommendation on his/her report.  I believe board members have a right to see the terms of the agreement and negotiate a price.  I would have hoped we learned from our last episode where Mr. Brown did everything on behalf of the board without input from the board.

Ryan Curioni