Sunday, November 3, 2019

Nancy Cardone is Running for Special Interest Groups, Not Students…

It’s no coincidence that both of Nancy Cardone’s relatives are serving as presidents of their respective unions/associations.  They are peddling influence and cashing in on Nancy Cardone’s public position.

For this school year, Francine Varriale Santos’s base salary is $103,710 (budget page 49) for her position as Washington School Pre-K teacher.  She also receives many additional stipends from the Lodi Board of Education.  She receives compensation from the teacher unions but won't disclose that amount.

For this school year, Michael Cardone’s base salary is $151,369 (budget page 34) for his position as principal of Roosevelt School. 

On Election days, Cardone and Santos campaign at Lodi voting locations while people are voting.  Mike Cardone doesn’t even live in Lodi.  They aren’t electioneering (illegal act) because they care about the community.  They do so because they care about their pocketbooks.