Sunday, November 24, 2019

Lodi BOE’s Revised Transgender Policy Continues to Trample the Rights of Lodi Parents…

Lodi’s Transgender Policy of 2016: Link 2016 Policy

Lodi’s Revised Transgender Policy to be approved this Tuesday, November 26th: Link Revised Policy

Some language mentioning "parent" from the 2016 policy that is being removed:

Lodi’s new “Student-Centered Approach” completely cuts the “parent” out from such an important matter affecting his/her young minor child.  The mentioning of parent has been limited to this:

Six out of the nine current board members including myself do not have children attending the Lodi schools.  Yet we are being asked to approve a policy trampling the basic rights of Lodi parents.

Under this policy, elementary students as young as pre-k can go through school with a different name, different gender identity, different pronouns and that young minor child’s parents would not be notified.

Emphasis on: “There is no affirmative duty for any school district staff member to notify a student’s parent of the student’s gender identity or expression”.

The Lodi BOE is implying that all parents are abusive to their children and incapable of making decisions in their children's best interest.   Otherwise, why would district staff have the right to see “confidential folders” on students and parents not have the same right for their own children?  If in 2016 young students were not yet able to advocate for themselves, now they suddenly are?  Parents can no longer be advocates for their young children?

Some of these policies and directives are being pushed on districts by radical Phil Murphy and radical activist groups that have shown complete disdain for parental rights, family values, and religious liberties.  However, the Lodi Board of Education is fully complicit in violating the rights of Lodi parents.  I have spoken to many Lodi parents.  They are not aware of this policy.  This policy has never been presented to any of them at any public forum.  This policy has never been mailed to them.  Their input was never sought.  Their opinions don't matter.  Their religious beliefs don't matter.  Their basic rights don’t matter.