Monday, November 4, 2019

Cardone’s Running Mate Thanked Me Many Times for the Job I Have Done on the Board…

It’s sad that James Tassillo is part of a campaign that sent out a dishonest smear piece against me and others which is listed at his campaign’s address of 118 Church Street.  Before he was Cardone’s running mate, he was thanking me for the job I have done.  Below is the first email he sent me before I ever met him:

On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 04:57 PM, James Tassillo wrote:

Good afternoon Mr. Curioni, my name is James Tassillo. I purchased a home back in Lodi back in 2005 and have been a very quiet resident up to this very day. But now as a had gotten older and started a family and now have a child in the school district (Washington Elementary), I now see things in a new perspective. I stumbled across a blog about our town and found your email. First of all I just want to thank you for suspending that school project. That should definitely be decided by the taxpayers of the town. But, being that it still will be a non-binding vote is concerning. After glancing that blog and another blog that has very similar information, I can honestly say that I would never in a million years thought that the nepotism was that rampant in Lodi let alone in any town for that matter. I am pretty sure that Lodi is a civil servant town, how does this get bypassed? Well we both know the answer to that. I just am writing to you to say thank you for sparing my taxes for the time being. Since I moved here in 2005 my taxes have increased roughly 50%. I know I am fortunate I have heard from others that they have doubled in their time in the town. But where is it going? If my taxes are increasing shouldn't their be more programs in the schools. I mean the increase this year was said to be for the education budget. There are vast amounts of programs in technology for elementary schools out there that we as a middle of the road community when it comes to Bergen county would probably be able to be subsidized if not given. Not just technology but also nutrition as well. As I have said earlier I have been a quiet citizen up until today, but I have two children and I am I take education very seriously with them. I wish I took it seriously but that's the past and I can only guide them from the mistakes that I made in hopes that they don't go down that path. I am glad that you are on the board and I will be following these meetings now more closely, because to turn a blind eye and say business as usual got us to where we are now as a town and as a state. We can't let that continue. Thank you for your time.

James Tassillo