Saturday, November 16, 2019

Letter to the Editor that the One-Sided Record Rag Hasn't Printed...

November 8, 2019

Letter to the Editor in Response to “Lodi BOE president faces suspension after calling teacher a 'greedy bastard' in blog posts”

I am writing in response to the one sided hatchet job done on me.  Noticeably missing from the article are the following facts:

The School Ethics Commission (SEC) did NOT find probable cause for the allegations set against me for posting about greedy teacher union leaders on my personal blog.  The SEC made note of this to OAL Judge Elissa Mizzone Testa in its final decision dated August 30, 2019. 

Testa submitted her initial decision to the SEC in July.  The SEC remanded the case back to Testa because she didn’t cite, explain, or demonstrate with factual evidence that I violated any code of ethics when I posted about  teacher union leaders on my personal blog.  Testa was also directed to provide an analysis of my free speech rights.  Without making the proper corrections, Testa resubmitted an almost identical decision to the SEC just days before the November 5th Election.  Why would a judge repeatedly submit decisions with blatant lies even after being corrected on multiple occasions?

The Record article omitted the fact that the complaint was filed by NJEA Attorney Gail Oxfeld-Kanef and is being funded with teacher union dues.  It should be noted that the NJEA endorsed and funded a slate of candidates that ran against me in the recent Lodi board of education election. As the NJEA was pouring thousands of dollars into that campaign, I was running as an independent candidate spending under $100 on my campaign.

Gail Oxfeld-Kanef and teacher union leader Debra Kwapniewski have filed multiple complaints against me beginning in 2017 and have been unsuccessful.  The complaint written about in this article has been before two other OAL judges before it got to Elissa Mizzone Testa.

Since the complaint began, I have filed multiple answers and submitted stacks of evidence including interrogatories by Debra Kwapniewski.  Testa clearly stated that she would not consider any evidence that I submitted and that her decision would be solely based on a hearing where I did not participate.  She has completely disregarded all facts and evidence.  It was no surprise to me when the case was remanded to her.  Her initial decision was completely baseless.  Her second decision is almost identical to the first.

The decision by Testa is nonbinding.  The recommended suspension was submitted by NJEA Attorney Gail Oxfeld-Kanef before it ended up in Testa’s decision.  I am not facing suspension as the article alleged in its title.  That order would have to come from the SEC.

I never relinquished my free speech rights when I joined the Lodi Board of Education.  My blog always contained the disclaimer: “This blog contains my personal writings (facts and opinions). I do not speak on behalf of any individual or organization.”  It is shocking to me how a newspaper can print its article without addressing the issue of free speech.

I stand by all my posts listed in the complaint.  The posts are truthful.  I submitted plenty of evidence including school budgets to show where all figures came from.

As I complete my term on the board, I am proud of my record of lowering taxes and fighting corruption.  If the worst thing people can say about me is that I wrote some not so nice things about self-serving teacher union leaders and town politicians on a personal blog, I probably should be honored.

Ryan Curioni