Sunday, November 3, 2019

Self-Dealing Union Boss Fran Santos is Running the Campaign of Mystery Candidates…

We filed to run in July.  We are now in November.  The Cardone/Santos candidates are just as mysterious today as they were in July. 

You know career politician Nancy Cardone from all of her decades in dirty Lodi politics. But how about some of the others?  Who are they?  Why are they running?  Do they possess any qualities that set them apart from one another?

Is there any issue they are running on other than to serve the LEA/NJEA bosses?  Are they all comfortable with a special interest group running every aspect of their campaign and speaking on their behalf?  Do any of them have a problem taking $4,000 from the NJEA when the NJEA has so much business before the board?

Is there a reason why they weren't attending BOE meetings prior to running (or even after filing to run)?

Not one of the Fran candidates showed up to the Q & A.  Why?

 All candidates showed up except the Fran candidates

Click to watch the candidate’s forum: Q & A Link

The LEA/NJEA mouthpieces are running every aspect of their campaign- from annoying people on Sunday afternoon to leaving voice messages from a Trenton number belonging the state’s biggest spending special interest group.

Everything is signed as a group.  Everything is scripted and fake.