Friday, May 26, 2017

It’s time to turn our focus to education…Children First!

Months have gone by.  What have you observed at Board meetings?

A lot of time has been spent maneuvering over an $8M administration building that nobody wants.

A lot of time has been spent maneuvering over contracts and bonuses for the higher ups.

A lot of time has been spent talking about a blog.

A lot of time has been spent by union activists describing their “hardships” before driving home to the wealthiest zip codes in New Jersey.

Lodi has grown tired of the self-absorbed and attention seekers at our Board meetings.

Their fifteen minutes is up.

It’s time to turn our focus to education.

Let’s talk about giving our students more, not less.  Let’s talk about improving SAT scores and AP passing rates.

Let’s talk about improving home values.

I will no longer entertain the distractions coming from Emil Carafa, Patty Licata, Vinny Martin, and their union cheerleaders. (At least council members Dichiara and Cima behave in a respectful manner.)

Lodi deserves better.