Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Don’t be fooled! I called this years ago.

The following people were intentionally chosen to be on the shady Lincoln School committee almost two years ago. 

Joseph Licata

Mike Nardino 

Phil Carbonetti

Dominic Miller

Fortunately for Lodi, Licata is off the board and out of town.

Unfortunately for Lodi, the other three remained. 

All three have been consistent in their unwavering support to waste $8M on a needless project.

All three voted for the project.  All three actually went as far as awarding a $6M+ contract.  It was a “done deal”.  All three voted to block the referendum from the November ballot (twice in the last two months).

Don’t be fooled. 

The Lodi politicians set the teacher’s union up against me last week to cause a distraction because I am disrupting things.  I had never said or done anything against them up until that point.  In fact, I was nothing but complimentary and positive.

Once they picketed on my properties and showed complete disrespect at the meeting, I in turn responded with what I was thinking for months but was afraid to say.  They have been lying to the public about what was offered to them before I got on the board. They have been lying about their last contract.  They are hurting students to send a message.  They are behaving like an angry mob.  They fake outrage when questioned or criticized.  They will say, "you hate teachers" in order to kill any debate.

With that said, Lodi should not be distracted by them.  There are big issues facing our schools and your tax dollars.

The union decided to do the dirty work of the Lodi politicians in hopes that each side can achieve its own ultimate goal- the politicians get the $7.5M building and the union writes its own contract.