Monday, October 15, 2018

Marc Schrieks was "Desirous" of Health Benefits after he publicly waived them by resolution and was secretly taking them...

It says something about the character of all involved that they did this behind the public’s back upstairs in Tony Luna’s office and then kept it secret for almost four whole years.

I first questioned if this Resolution existed in April 2012 because it never appeared on any agendas or minutes posted on the Borough website.  I posed the question many times after that.

Not one member of this administration would answer the question.  In fact, the usual response was, “Are you done?” or “What else?”

The only reason Alan Spiniello finally produced this Resolution was because Susan Clark of the Community News reported on the subject.

Link to article (to make article larger for viewing, left click on your mouse and click on “Open Link”):

I guess the only way anyone can get an answer from this administration is if someone from the news does a story.

And once again, Resolution 10-336 was passed after Marc Schrieks was already taking health benefits paid by the taxpayers of Lodi.

Below is a link to the handwritten minutes of the October 12, 2010 "Executive Meeting" where this Resolution was supposedly passed:

(This post originally appeared on September 19, 2014)