Monday, October 1, 2018

Lodi’s labor counsel hired by Marc Schrieks is one of the top contributors to Menendez’s defense fund.

Menendez was indicted by the Obama administration.  Those giving to the senator’s defense fund were clearly buying influence.  They were giving something because they were getting something from a sitting senator.

Lodi’s labor counsel “Florio” is one of the top contributors listed. 

Article is linked below:

“Florio” is a high priced, pay-to-play firm.

Marc Schreiks accepted thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from multiple partners in the “Florio” firm right before he signed their NO BID contract to be Lodi’ labor counsel.

Lodi is a small, over-taxed town.  Lodi cannot afford Marc Schrieks’ pay-to-play abuses.  If a firm has $40,000 to shell out to an indicted senator’s “defense fund”, that means they are making too much from the public entities they have NO BID contracts with.