Monday, July 29, 2024

Lagana's "Giacobbe" Firm Had $22,172.50 on the Borough Bills for June...


How can the Lodi mayor and council justify these increased legal bills at a time when they are increasing taxes far beyond 2% and bonding at extreme levels?

The Lodi mayor and council pay Borough Attorney Alan Spiniello at least $236,774.76 for very limited part-time work.

Lodi By The Numbers: How Does the Lodi Mayor and Council Get Away with Paying Alan Spiniello an Annual Set Salary of $236,774.76 When… (

The Lodi mayor and council are awarding more and more contracts each July 1st for Special Labor Counsels as result of their corrupt pay-to-play system.

When I was on the Lodi Board of Education, I had access to Giacobbe’s unredacted legal bills.  The firm engages in dishonest practices, dishonest billing, and overcharges for insignificant matters.  The firm makes illegal redactions for members of the public for the sole purpose of concealing its dishonest practices. 

When you see members of the Lodi mayor and council, ask them if it is appropriate that they allow all these lawyers to drive up legal bills at a time that they are raising taxes and adding millions in debt.  Ask them what Alan Spiniello specifically does for the hundreds of thousands that he is handed each year and why he doesn’t have to submit invoices.  Ask them if they have ever reviewed the invoices submitted by “Giacobbe” and why they allow “Giacobbe” to illegally redact its own invoices.  Ask them if they would allow this firm to rip off the Lodi taxpayers if Joseph Lagana was not funding their political campaigns.