Thursday, April 11, 2024

We Are Just a few Days from the BOE Election and the "New Voices" Candidates are Not Showing Their Campaign Contributors or Expenditures on the ELEC Site (only $300 from Lafranca). John Cannizzaro is Their Treasurer.


Since some of the "New Voice" candidates are listing jobs in accounting and bank employment, can they explain why they would list John Cannizzaro as their Campaign Treasurer? Is that leadership? It that responsible? Is John Cannizzaro better with finances them? Why couldn't any of them perform the function?

Did they select Cannizzaro or were they ordered to use Cannizzaro? With a Cannizzaro or Defalco, the puppet handlers can hide their pay-to-play contributors this year just like did last year. They violate ELEC regulations and pay-to-play laws governing BOEs.

Why haven't Cannizzaro's Voices reported where their campaign contributions came from being they began spending big shortly after they filed to run on February 26, 2024? If they can't show honesty in reporting during a campaign, how could they show honesty with your tax dollars as board members?