Sunday, December 5, 2021

November Payroll & Bills for the Lodi Board of Education...

Link to November Payroll:


Link to November Bills:


Bills have been posted on the district website since 2017 as part of the meeting agendas.  At the time, I told Capizzi and the board that I OPRA the bills each month and post them for the public.  The bills are public records.  Bills are voted on by the board each month.  Lodi taxpayers pay the bills.  I argued that the bills should be included on the meeting agendas and the more transparency the better.  Lodi took a step forward and began posting more public information on the district website.


Nancy Cardone is undoing every stride towards transparency.  Bills have now been removed from meeting agendas (the reason why I am posting them again).


It’s bad to hide public information.  It’s even worse to go out of your way to remove public records that had been posted for years.  Board members should answer for their bad actions.  When you see Nancy Cardone, ask her: what is your reasoning for removing the bills, records for hearing of citizens, labor agreements, etc.?  What is your reasoning for having your administration violate OPRA and deny public records that have been provided for years like things so basic as a detailed budget, legal invoices, electronically submitted public comments, etc.?  Why did you eliminate all work session meetings which are open to the public (governed by the Open Public Meeting Act) and supposedly replace them with “committee” meetings closed to the public?


If you don’t see Nancy Cardone and would like answers, you reach out to her by email.  Nancy Cardone’s email is: