Friday, September 9, 2022

Time and Time Again, Donald Scorzetti Has Abused His Power and His Office. He Cannot Be Believed or Trusted (Post Date: December 13, 2021)

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Donald Scorzetti is out of control and has been for some time. I warned years ago that Donald Scorzetti would get himself in trouble and cost the Lodi taxpayers a lot of money. He abuses his power and his office.  He should be the forced to reimburse Lodi. He should have a GPS attached to his Tahoe so everyone can see who really is robbing the town.

Donald Scorzetti epitomizes an "old boys' network" where family and friends prosper through dirty politics and not merit.

Instead of targeting crime, Donald Scorzetti uses public resources to target those that challenge his poor leadership. 

How was Donald Scorzetti allowed to hire two daughters in the police records department? This creates just another opportunity for Donald to cover things up as he unfairly targets people for retribution. Outsiders could reveal how bad Scorzetti acts. His daughters would not.