Saturday, September 4, 2021

Douglas Petty and Nancy Cardone Continue Their War on Transparency. They Are Now Deleting the "Hearing of Citizens" from their Meeting Minutes.

And Removing Transparency Leads to More Corruption

Because Douglas Petty did not provide any video online for the June 16th meeting, and because the Board voted on significant items that were not on the agenda, I looked this morning at the minutes for the meeting to see what took place.  Noticeably missing from the minutes are any “Hearing of Citizens/Public Comment” sections.  I know there were public comments because I submitted public comments.  I was told they were discussed at the meeting but was not provided any answers.  These were the public comments I submitted:


1) I noticed that this board removed Columbus Day from the calendar for next school year.  I haven't found anyone that can recall a public discussion from the board prior to the removal.  An OPRA response did not turn over any email conversations among the Superintendent and Board about removing Columbus Day.  Whose idea was it to remove Columbus Day and how was it carried out?  More and more people are waking up and getting sick and tired of the left-wing indoctrination and cancel culture coming from our publicly funded government schools.  Your negativity and divisiveness are not productive at a time when students are not receiving an adequate education.


2) Approximately how much was the Pay-to-Play firm "Cleary Giacobbe" paid by Lodi from July 2020 thru June 2021? 


3)  Why is this Superintendent and Board requiring students to wear masks in 90-degree temperatures?  Last week, Wilson School held something referred to as a “walkathon" in a small area in the school parking lot.  Students were walking around in circles in 90-degree temperatures while wearing masks.  They were outside.  Emphasis on outside.  Countless people were commenting that it was painful to watch and that prisoners are treated better.  Sometimes you have to use common sense and consider what can happen when people are participating in physical activities in 90-degree temperatures with masks covering their faces.


4) On the June 16th agenda, you list a $4,400 stipend for Francine Santos (Lea President and Sister-in-Law of Nancy Cardone).  It's referred to as a Title I Extended Year Stipend.  It's for 'Family Engagement".  During this past school year, what types of "Family Engagement" took place for the $4,400 stipend?  Do you have dates and times? Lodi needed a corrective action plan in 2019 after the Office of Fiscal Accountability and Compliance (OFAC) did a Title 1 Audit of the district.  Is the district in compliance with its Corrective Action Plan?


5) Does this Superintendent and Board ever intend on returning to in-person meetings?


Link to the June 16th minutes:


6-16-2021 Regular Meeting Minutes.pdf (


Douglas Petty and the Board posted Public Comments just months ago.  District minutes always provided public comments (some were more descriptive than others depending on who sat on the Board).

Link to minutes from one year ago showing public comment:


8-26-20 special meeting minutes.pdf (


Time and time ago, Douglas Petty has worked very hard to keep public records from getting to the public.  He was never up for the job in Lodi.  The board members that ran the superintendent search and chose Petty made a big mistake.  He is a very expensive suit but an empty one. 


Joseph Garcia is not a school attorney.  He is a politician.  His employment is dependent on Joseph Lagana carrying him along as he jumps from one political firm to the next.  The Giacobbe firm has proved to be the most expensive, unethical, political, and vindictive firm ever used by Lodi. 


The interim BA is collecting a fat pay check, doing the minimum, and not being held accountable for anything (following the pattern of the previous interims).  Douglas Petty and the Board have failed to hire and retain people for some of the most important positions like Business Administrator and Supervisor of Special Services.


Nancy Cardone continues to be the Board President that eliminates work sessions and hides public records.  She only sits on the board so her nepotism and quid pro quos can land her son in the Superintendent’s office someday (making him the least deserving, right below Nancy Cardone’s sister Paula Fiduccia). 


There are 9 board members.  Did the board ever vote to eliminate Public Comments from their meeting minutes? If not, who made the decision? Not one of the 9 board members looked at their monthly minutes as they were voting to approve and asked: what happened to the Public Comment section?

It's not just Public Comments that have been concealed by Doug Petty and this board.  They won't provide the public with a Detailed Budget.  They won't provide the public with legal invoices and bills.  There is no dispute that these are public records.  There is no dispute that these records have always been made available to the public in the past.  The only reason to withhold public records or delete Public Comments is to hide some wrongdoing which leads to more corruption.