Sunday, January 6, 2019

Lawsuits over unused sick time in Atlantic City...

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From a previous article on the subject:

“The city and the state reached a settlement agreement with active employees of the police department and formally issued a memorandum on Oct. 18 advising Atlantic City to cap leave payouts at $15,000. They also called for the cap to pertain to anyone who retired after Nov. 9, 2016, even though the idea was first brought to the table in June 2017, according to the lawsuit.

Less than a week later, the Atlantic City city council passed the memorandum as a resolution, meaning any officer who retired after Nov. 9 would have their sick time payback capped at $15,000.

Lisa Ryan, a spokeswoman for the DCA, said following a “comprehensive analysis of the city’s financial situation” the Nov. 9, 2016 date was chosen because that is the day the Municipal Stabilization and Recovery Act went into effect in Atlantic City.”