Saturday, January 26, 2019

Donald Scorzetti says nobody cares about hundreds of thousands in payouts that violate state statutes…

Donald Scorzetti accused me of making up the fact that I am told daily by Lodi residents about how angry and disgusted they are about what the “Children First” board members did last April with Mr. Quatrone’s contract.

Link to cost summary page:

Unlike Donald Scorzetti, Lodi residents don’t make $205,000 salaries for employment in the Lodi Borough Hall.  Lodi residents pay for their own cars, their own gas, and every other personal expense.  Lodi residents don’t receive $400,000 retirement payouts and $11,000 monthly pension payments.  Lodi residents work hard and earn things in life without unfair advantages bestowed upon them by Tony Luna.

Donald Scorzetti has acted in the most unethical manner, going as far as obstructing an AG investigation by voting to deny subpoenaed records. As "police chief", Scorzetti had a conflict of interest in the matter. 

Donald Scorzetti doesn’t discuss education.  He doesn’t offer ideas.  But he comes alive when he can assist in violating state statutes and ripping off the taxpayers of Lodi.