Monday, July 3, 2017

When you upset the apple cart, the politicians get desperate and petty…

Today, I received another ethics complaint.  It was from Councilwoman Patricia Licata.

I am sure it had nothing to do with the ethics complaint I filed against her son, FORMER board president Joseph Licata:

Joseph Licata was using a school employee during school days to generate money for his employer and his “nonprofit”.

Patty Licata is going to compare something as serious as that to expressing a personal opinion on a personal blog?

I don’t think so.

Patty Licata did not disclose in the complaint that she is a Lodi councilwoman.  She did not disclose how much she has gotten for herself and her family while sitting on the Lodi council.   I look forward to explaining that to the School Ethics Commission.

Link to Patty’s petty complaint: