Monday, June 19, 2017

"Wayne teachers wear black to show financial hardship during contract talks"

Link to article:

NJEA big wigs receive compensation in excess of $700,000 for organizing teachers to wear black and pack in meetings.  It's getting old.

Whatever offered is never enough.

Whatever offered will still result in a financial hardship.

From the article:

“I had a flat tire the other day. I freaked out... I didn’t have the money," said Theunis Dey reading specialist, Margaret Pisani. She said she works four jobs during the summer to make ends meet.

With this salary and working four jobs, Ms. Pisani should be able to fix her flat tire.

Everyone should set the sensationalism aside.  They should ditch their union talking points. They should resolve their issues working together and behaving like adults.

Side note: Lodi teachers hired in 1990 are making a lot more than Wayne's Ms. Pisani.  The article also stated that salary increases for Wayne's current contract hover around 2.5%.  The Lodi teacher union voted down larger increases than that.