Friday, June 9, 2017

Was an attorney and an extension really necessary?

Providing a simple answer to this ethics complaint is not rocket science.   Anyone off the street could’ve answered without an attorney. 

Read the complaint for yourself (click on link below):

Behind the boards back, Trustees Miller, Nardino, and Carafa had two board employees and a professional service provider retain them an attorney that can bill the Lodi taxpayers $5,000.  The board never approved a resolution.  That was past practice.  But all rules are thrown out the window because two new members joined the board.  The three employees in question believe they can usurp the responsibilities and rights of all elected trustees.  

Once again, why is an attorney necessary?

Mayor Emil Carafa pays part-time Alan Spiniello $210,000 a year with Lodi tax dollars.  Mr. Spiniello couldn’t volunteer his time to help them provide an answer?  Marcel Wurms couldn't volunteer?  How about all the other attorneys milking the town?

Forget about attorneys, couldn’t the three just walk into Shop Rite and have some stranger in line help them answer? 

If three members cannot answer a simple question about their votes, what does that say about the rest of their actions on the board?  If you can’t speak, act, or answer on your own, doesn’t that reduce you to someone else’s puppet?

The three members had no problem wasting 400,000 tax dollars on architect plans for a building that was never needed.  I guess they see 5,000 tax dollars as a drop in the bucket.

Lodi taxpayers should be outraged that their money is being wasted on something so ridiculous.