Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Vote By Mail. And don't let them steal your ballot this time.

There are many reasons to vote by mail.  Maybe you are busy with a job or family.  Maybe you forgot to vote on election day in the past and deeply regret it.  Maybe you just don't want to beeline through a long line of washed up politicians at the Firehouse(when campaigning is prohibited by law but takes place anyway).  Either way, a vote by mail is a good option.

The political machine gets a list of those getting ballots and believes it has the right to steal your vote.  They have a history of collecting and dropping off hundreds of ballots that don't belong to them.  This is not only undemocratic, it is against the law.  Everyone should know their motives by now- jobs and promotions for themselves.

Everyone owns their own vote and it is time that people stand up for themselves.  The above picture represents how one can be nice while not handing over their ballot.  The below pictures represent how someone can be honest while not handing over their ballot.