Friday, April 12, 2019

Vinny Martin violated all ethics codes when he was a member of the Lodi Board of Education…

Vinny Martin lists on his campaign literature that he is a “Former Lodi Board of Education Trustee”.  Vinny Martin won’t list the years he served on the Board because he wasn’t allowed to serve on the Board.  Vinny Martin was employed in the Lodi schools as a School Resource Officer while he was sitting on the Lodi Board of Education.  That’s not allowed.  His behavior went beyond ethics violations.  What type of person would even try to pull that off? 

Looking at Vinny Martin’s time on the Lodi BOE, you will see that he violated all state regulations and codes of ethics.  He gave sweet heart deals to the mayor and council, superintendent, relatives of board members, etc.  He took care of the same people that were in positions to take care of him.  All the while, he was not allowed to be on the Lodi board of education.

Vinny Martin is the last person that should be advising Lodi residents about ordinances or anything else.  His record speaks for itself.  Rules that apply to other don’t apply to him.  Vinny has always been above the law.

Below is an article from from May 31, 2017.  It discusses an advisory opinion where an officer participating in a DARE program and doing safety checks in a school would be in substantial conflict as a Board member.  That conflict would also apply to Lodi Police Chief Donald Scorzetti who is involved in school safety checks and signs off on shared service agreements pertaining  to school security. As bad as those conflicts are, they can't compare to Vinny Martin's conflict whose full time job was working in the Lodi schools.