Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Luna Privilege: Mayor’s Son Gets a Borough Vehicle to Take Home…

Tony Luna took borough vehicles to his home in Pennsylvania and everywhere else.

Scott Luna takes a Bergen County vehicle home.

TJ Luna takes a Lodi Board of Education vehicle home.

Now, Scott’s son has been given a  borough vehicle to take home.

In the real world, most people use their own cars to get to and from work.  They pay for their own gas.  They pay for their own personal expenses. 

Then again, most people aren’t Luna privileged.

This shows a real attitude of entitlement and privilege. 

This also shows the taxpayers how often certain people are at home (on the taxpayers’ dime) and NOT at their government jobs. 

The Lodi Green Team should recommend bicycles for the Luna family.  It’s more cost effective and better for the environment.