Tuesday, June 23, 2020

"Assemblyman Ryan Peters: Reject $5 Billion Borrowing Plan"

Link to common sense analysis by Assemblyman Peters:


The public should look no further than Lodi Boro Hall and the Lodi BOE to see why the State should NOT borrow $5 Billion.  

During the lockdowns and suspension of town services,  there were lots of opportunities for savings.  Instead, Lodi politicians were even more irresponsible and reckless with other people's tax dollars.  The Lodi mayor and council paid family and friends full salaries for months not to work. They continue to bond for millions at monthly meetings.  They used tens of thousands of Lodi tax dollars to appeal a $1000 personal fine given to the mayor's father.  

The Lodi BOE added new positions for the upcoming school year as other districts held off.  It allowed Lagana's law firm to continue its rip off.  The new business administrator is withholding the detailed budget from the public. That should tell you something. 

Why have those running Lodi been so irresponsible during the pandemic? Because they always anticipated that Governor Murphy would bail them out by borrowing $5 Billion.  

State and local governments should have shared sacrifices like everyone else.  They should read the column by the Assemblyman Peters.