Sunday, December 16, 2018

20% raises and $400,000 retirement payouts will turn Lodi, NJ into a Bell, California…

In 2010, Bell, California was all over the national news for public employee salaries that landed people in prison.

Is that a path that any community would want to follow?

In 2018, residents of Lodi were outraged when they learned about the contracts that were awarded to Donald Scorzetti and Frank Quatrone.  Frank Quatrone's current salary is $204,526 and Scorzetti's is $202,559.  Frank Quatrone’s proposed retirement payout for supposed unused sick/vacation days is around $200,000 and Scorzetti’s is around $400,000.  Scorzetti gets a $52,000 Tahoe for personal use.  He even gets to take it to his shore house.

Link to Frank Quatrone’s exorbitant contract:

Link to Donald Scorzetti’s exorbitant contract: