Monday, November 7, 2016

Don’t tolerate "Capizzi First" voter obstruction!

The Borough should be prepared tomorrow for a very large turnout.  They should have a plan available if “Capizzi First” gets out of control again.

Some polling places are very small and have very limited parking, especially the Kennedy firehouse, the Westervelt firehouse, and the Kimmig ambulance corps. 

The “Capizzi First” organization cannot take all the parking spots for hours, block doors, and grab and kiss people that don’t want to be bothered. 

“Capizzi First” challengers have to sit behind poll workers and follow the rules.  They can’t use their challenger badges to campaign openly in polling places.

Poll workers have to follow the rules.  Some poll workers are related to or work for “Capizzi First” and have a history of politicking themselves.

Every voter has the right to park near their polling place, enter the building unobstructed, and cast their vote freely.

If problems occur, please report them immediately.  Have your phones available and take pictures if necessary.