Thursday, November 17, 2016

Tailor made for Vincent Caruso…

A “New Employment Opportunity” was posted on the borough website today.   I wasn’t going to comment on the issue at all.  But it is so obvious that the ad is tailor made for the Former Police Chief Vincent Caruso.

While Chief, Mr. Caruso received a B.A. degree on-line and then his Masters in Public Administration from Fairleigh Dickinson.  His years as Chief can satisfy the two years managerial requirement.

Now look at the same employment opportunity posted one year ago.

This ad was tailor made for Bruce Masopust.  There was no college requirement.  His years as mayor and councilman satisfied the municipal experience requirement.

The two ads were posted one year apart.  Both were for the same position.  Why so different?

What the mayor and council is doing is insulting to the people of Lodi.  Lodi deserves a real hiring process.  Lodi deserves the best candidate for the position.