Jamie Ciofalo has three BOE members hooked up with him
at the Lodi Boy & Girls Club and with his side projects- Licata, Nardino,
and Miller. Will they help him sell his
new book…to the Lodi BOE? His website clearly states that “Haley
House Publishing” is targeting k-12 schools.
The piece that Ciofalo is using to promote his book is
very stereotypical and
offensive. Someone making his
living off of the “bullying business” should know better.
“Neeka Johnson has to outwit pimps, gangs and dealers to stay alive
on the mean streets on Delran.”
Why did two white "authors" give a black name to a character that
has to deal with pimps, gangs, and drug dealers?
“Colton Browning is struggling with his sexuality in a town that
hangs the gay on a social cross.”
Hangs the gay on a social "cross"?
His use of stereotypes is offensive and ignorant.
Jamie Ciofalo should get Lodi High School in order first before
he spends all his time profiting off of the “bullying business” during the
school day.