Saturday, August 29, 2015

Tony Luna and Bryan Christiansen, still taking care of each other with public money

The people of Lodi recently learned that Lodi’s “Treasurer” (Tony Luna’s daughter) has received two paid positions within Edgewater.  She is being paid by the borough to be its “Tax Collector” and she is also being paid by its Board of Education to be “treasurer of monies”. Neither position appears on her 2015 annual financial disclosure statement because apparently she never submitted one.  A financial disclosure statement is required by law.

What is Tony Luna’s connection to Edgewater?  Bryan Christiansen.

People within Edgewater assert that Bryan Christiansen, the former mayor of Edgewater, still controls their mayor and council and decides everything.

How is Bryan Christiansen hooked up with Tony Luna?

As the Chairman of the Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission, Tony Luna made Christiansen the Executive Director with a salary of $313,000.  You heard that correctly, Tony Luna voted to pay a public employee a whopping $313,000 to run a cesspool of corruption.

Tony Luna took care of Bryan Christiansen.  Now Brian Christiansen is taking care of Tony Luna.  

Some past article on the two: