Sunday, April 30, 2017

Your opportunity to vote was already approved. Dominic Miller blocked it from the November ballot.

There is no public support for spending $7.5M Lodi tax dollars on an administration building when reports show that the current one is fine.

On January 4, 2017 Board President Dominic Miller abstained on suspending the project and placing the question on the ballot. The referendum vote passed 4-3, giving the residents of Lodi the right to vote on the matter.

On April 26, 2017 Board President Dominic Miller voted "NO" on placing the referendum on the November ballot. 

Miller’s vote resulted in a 4-4 tie, thus blocking the referendum from being placed on the November ballot.  Once again, Dominic Miller took away your right to vote.

It appears that Dominic Miller has surrendered all independent judgment to Joe Capizzi and Emil Carafa.

When you see Miller, Nardino, Carbonetti, and Carafa, tell them to stop taking away your right to vote.  

Make phone calls.  Send emails.  Do everything possible to get this question on the November ballot.  Its your money.  Its your right.