Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Councilman Vinny Martin whined about being called a whiner.

Vinny Martin whined about being called a whiner.  Bella Vara got a thrill.

Once again, I am there to improve education, not engage in pettiness.

I am tired of being scolded for writing on this blog.

The public deserves to know what is taking place behind their backs and with their money.

When I ran for office, I didn’t reach out to shady individuals for thousands.  In fact, I turned down a lot of contributions offered (many which came from those associated with the machine ticket).

I am not bought and paid for.  

I only spent $230 of my OWN money.  I ran as an independent.  I didn’t walk the town at all campaigning.  I didn't send out any mailers.

I had to run on a message when the machine runs on dirty money.

I got that message out by writing on this blog.

Enough people agreed with what I had to day.

It’s my first amendment right to offer my opinion and expose wrongdoings.

If you don’t like it, don’t read it.

If the dopey ones file an ethics complaint against me, I won’t cost the taxpayers anything.  I will represent myself.