Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Any surprises in the "Redeveloper's Agreement"?

Above is from the “Lodi Update” sent out by Carafa, Licata, Cima, and Martin for their council election.  They no long stand by their claims shown above.

Link to "Lodi Update":

Question #3 from tonight's meeting:  When you all ran for office, you sent out a “Lodi Update”.  You specifically listed dates and ratables for the CVS and L.A. Fitness.  You were way off with the dates (by years).  Are there going to be any surprises with your Redevelopers Agreement- tax incentives or anything else?

Emil Carafa was saying this was my opinion.  I told him that he is the one that sent it out.  He didn’t know if there would be any surprises that would contradict his “Lodi Update”.  He went on a tangent saying things go on for twenty years and there are tax incentives.